Sunday, October 26, 2008


It is funny to think of how we get emotional about some silly things. This is true about a simple task that I do for Caden....cutting his hair. I got tired of his hair looking like a mop cause we waited so long to get to the about a year ago I bought some clippers and started cutting his hair. At first he screamed bloody murder. Now he actually likes it....and I do too. It really is a wonderful time for both of us to bond. I wonder if we will continue to do this as he grows up. I wonder if he will come home from college and ask his old man to give him a trim. The crazy thing is.....I SURE HOPE SO! Here are some pictures of the last haircut which was tonight. The funniest part is that I put his chair in a wheel barrel. I wonder if Steph will let me be the first to cut Colt's hair. I guess it is evident...simple things make me very happy.


Marci said...

I bet he will still come home for dad to cut his hair!

Matthew said...

It is serious business in my home. When gets a good hair cut, it is a happier place.

Jody Piper said...

I love it!! What a good barber you are...a second career??? And now I'm going to have to cut Cord's hair because we can't be the "shaggy" boy at gymnastics!!!