Monday, March 16, 2009

An Afternoon Exploring!

Steph invited me to go to Pizza Hut today with our kids, Sharon, Jack, and Sutton Blackburn. The kids were playing really good together and I decided that would give the ladies a break and take the kids to ranch and explore. So off we went. The kids were great.

We probably walked over a mile back in the woods while crossing creeks, climbing hills, drinking capri suns, singing the bear went over the mountain, singing the sun will come out tomorrow, chasing armadillos, and finding bones. Here are a couple of pictures from the day. (the quality is not great cause it was from my cell phone)
The kids on the side of a hill. Notice Jack helping Kaitlyn out of the ditch.
We all had to get a walking stick to help us through the woods.
Just a cute picture.